
MailToBotic helps you send automated emails via Apple Mail.
macOS 10.14 > 13 !
Due to system changes in macos Sonoma, we cannot guarantee the proper functioning of mailToBotic for all users,
we recommend that you test this on your configuration.
That's why - currently - we offer MailToBotic for free, but registration via our webstore still applies.

We welcome feedback thru our support page.

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MailToBotic helps you send automated dozens of emails via Apple Mail®.
Send RTF formatted mailings with signatures and attachments to your club or group members.
MailToBotic does not pretend to be a mass mail utility, but it certainly helps you if you have to send mails to dozens of mail correspondents on a regular basis.

Automate your Apple Mail


RTF formated

Signatures & Attachments


Apple Mail

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