The copyrights in all content on this site, software, images and related works belongs to MOON-APP unless noted otherwise. All rights are reserved. Publishing of material on our website does not imply permission to copy or distribute the material without written authorization.
MOON-APP, MOON-IMG and their logo, and all trademarked products are registered trademarks of MOON-APP. They may not be used to identify goods without the express written permission of MOON-APP. All uses of the logo and product listed below must be clearly identified that they are trademarks of MOON-APP.
Trademarked Product Names include:
Software License Terms
This EULA limits our liability and is governed by an arbitration agreement and venue agreement. Please read below as these terms affect your rights.
1. The copyrights in this software and any visual or audio work distributed with the software belong to MOON-APP and others listed in the about box. All rights are reserved. Installation of this software and any software bundled with or installed-on-demand from this software, including shortcuts and start menu folders, is licensed only in accordance with these terms. These copyrights do not apply to any creative work made by you, the user.
2. By installing, using or distributing the software you, on your own behalf and on behalf of your employer or principal, agree to these terms. If you do not agree to any of these terms, you may not use, copy, transmit, distribute, nor install this software.
3. This software, and all accompanying files, data and materials, are distributed "as is" and with no warranties of any kind, whether express or implied except as required by law. If you intend to rely on this software for critical purposes you must test it fully prior to using it, install redundant systems and assume any risk.
4. We will not be liable for any loss arising out of the use of this software including, but not limited to, any special, incidental or consequential loss. Your entire remedy against us for all claims is limited to receiving a full refund for the amount you paid for the software.
5. You may not use this software in any circumstances where there is any risk that failure of this software might result in a physical injury or loss of life. You may not use this software if you do not regularly backup your computer, or do not have antivirus and firewall software installed on the computer, or keep sensitive data unencrypted on your computer. You agree to indemnify us from any claims relating to such use.
6. You may copy or distribute the installation file of this software in its complete unaltered form but you may not, under any circumstances, distribute any software registration code for any of our programs without written permission. In the event that you do distribute a software registration code, you will be liable to pay the full purchase price for each location where the unauthorized use occurs.
7. License contributions outside of the appStore are lifetime subscriptions, which understands: the included license key can be used as long as you don't upgrade to a major release, as long as your OS version meets the minimum requirements and your hardware is compatible with.
8. Choice of Law. If you reside anywhere in the world, your relationship is with MOON-APP, an European company, and this agreement is governed by the laws and courts of the Belgian Territory. All communication will be done in Dutch. Such courts have continuing and exclusive jurisdiction over any dispute between you and us, regardless of the nature of the dispute.
9. Refund policy: Software developed by MOON-APP is available on a try-before-you-buy basis, there are free Demo versions you can download to ensure that you can fully experience it prior to making your purchase. When available, documentation and/or youtube demos for software are also available online. We encourage you to review the documentation and try the software prior to making your purchase to ensure that it meets your requirements. MOON-APP may decline refund claims in the following cases: Software purchased for the wrong platform; Inability to operate the software in your computing environment; Inability to use the software due to an operator error; We will not refund or credit the difference between the price you were charged and the limited-time price reduction, such as those that occur during special sales events. Please note that coupon details must be filled in before proceeding to the order check-out. We will not apply discounts in retrospect, i.e. to orders that have already been.
Upon receiving a refund you shall cease all use and destroy all copies, full or partial, of the Software for which you no longer possess a valid, purchased license. MOON-APP reserves the right to disable any product keys and/or serial numbers issued to you for the refunded products.
Please note that MOON-APP can only accept refund claims for products purchased via our online store - purchases made from the Mac App Store and retail stores such as are subject to those stores' refund policies.
Service and Notices
Any legal service must be mailed by registered mail to: